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Pages 33-38

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From page 33...
... Minerals and fossil fuels are still important research issues, but there is a growing effort to integrate these questions into a more comprehensive agenda for basin research. To address these problems, there has been increasing interest in multidisciplinary research strategies for basin studies.
From page 34...
... Today, multidisciplinary research on sedimentary basins is focused on understanding and predicting · basin formation within the framework of plate tectonics and mantle convection; · hydrocarbon generation and migration during basin evolution; · present and historic fluid flow and chemical transport; · changes in basin fill and thermal evolution with the tectonic environment; · spatial and temporal variations of subsurface porosity; and · the record of tectonics, climate, and sea-level change preserved in sedimentary basins. Developing a broad research agenda for basin studies will be important because there is considerable overlap among these topics.
From page 35...
... In detail, such models would improve the understanding of diverse processes such as fluid flow along fractures, the history of mineral and fluid reactions with basin subsidence, and the record of global climate change preserved in basin materials. Linked together, such models would contribute to a new integrated understanding of sedimentary basins with broad implications for research across the geosciences, for identifying and extracting mineral and fossil fuel resources, and for preserving the quality of vital water resources for society.
From page 36...
... Such an effort would strengthen communication among industry, government, and acaciemic scientists and would enhance the dissemination of subsurface data collected by industry through drill cores and reflection seismology. DATA FOR BASIN RESEARCH Basin models are critically dependent on accurate and complete data sets describing the subsurface environment.
From page 37...
... to as a "data cube," the archive synthesizes measurements of surface heat flow; gravity; reflection seismic profiles; well logs; and subsurface temperatures, pressures, and fluid and mineral compositions. The pane} believes that these types of comprehensive data archives represent an invaluable source of information for multidisciplinary studies on sedimentary basins and that there should be continued efforts to develop additional data cubes for basins throughout the United States and the world.
From page 38...
... Because societies represent a wide range of scientists from university, government, and industry, they are in an ideal position to coordinate many of the difficult issues in developing collaborative research programs. These include facilitating access to proprietary data, developing in(lustry-academic-government research consortia, developing innovative mechanisms for joint industry-government funding of basin research, and encouraging increased research efforts by the environmental remediation industry.

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