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Currently Skimming:

Strengthen Federal Regulation
Pages 7-8

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 7...
... In ~ 994, lOM recommended that the U.S. Congress enact a comprehensive regulatory statute delegating' to an appropriate agency "the necessary authority to regulate tobacco products, for the dual purpose of discouraging consumption and reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with use of tobacco products." The report recommended that the agency be authorized to regulate the design and constituents of tobacco products, and specifically discussed the possibility of setting and gradually reducing ceilings on the nicotine content of tobacco products.
From page 8...
... Recommendations included restricting advertisements to text-only format and bans on promotional campaigns attractive to youths. Although the FDA regulation implements many of these ideas, the federal district court ruled that the agency does not have the statutory authority to regulate tobacco advertising and marketing, without even reaching the industry's argument that these regulations violate the First Amendment to the Constitution.

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