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Currently Skimming:

Pages 15-17

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
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From page 15...
... . The statistical agencies played little role in the development of PRWORA; they must now work closely with the agencies that are involved in assessing the effects of changes in health and welfare programs if national household surveys are to be able to provide relevant information for analysis purposes.
From page 16...
... that have provided useful information in the past and that could both contribute to and build on improvements in the major national household surveys. Given that national surveys cannot carry the entire burden of providing needed data for program analysis, workshop participants stressed the importance of forming partnerships that could provide useful data for linking with national surveys, supplementing them, and evaluating the quality of their responses.
From page 17...
... In addition, MEPS is linked to other health-related surveys: the sample for MEPS is a subsample of NHIS, which provides a rich set of data on health status and conditions, and the MEPS employer questionnaire is the same as that used for the National Employer Health Insurance Survey (NEHIS) , which is a large annual survey of employers about their health insurance plans.

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