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Currently Skimming:

1 Introduction
Pages 14-19

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From page 14...
... those of today's comparable midsize sedans, while maintaining performance, size, utility, and cost of ownership and operation and meeting or exceeding federal safety and emissions requirements (The White House, 1993~. The PNGV declaration of intent includes a requirement for an independent peer review "to comment on the technologies selected for research and progress made." In response to a written request by the undersecretary for technology administration, U.S.
From page 15...
... Increase vehicle fuel efficiency to up to three times that of the average 1994 Concorde/Taurus/Lumina automobiles with equivalent cost of ownership adjusted for economics. AS the committee noted in its third report, significant improvements in automotive fuel economy and the development of competitive advanced automotive technologies and vehicles can provide important economic benefits to the nation.
From page 16...
... If present trends continue, light trucks will dominate the market sometime between 2004 and 2008 (DOE, 1996; NRC, 1992; NRC, 1998~. The lack of market incentives for car buyers to purchase vehicles with high fuel economy makes the public benefits from improvements in fuel economy, such as the health benefits from reduced urban ozone, "insurance" against sudden increases in crude oil prices, the lower costs of maintaining energy security, the potential savings from lower crude oil prices, the improved balance of payments, and the reductions in greenhouse gases from the transportation sector, difficult to realize (Sissine, 1996; OTA, 1995~.
From page 17...
... Since the beginning of the program, the PNGV has addressed many technology areas, including advanced lightweight materials and structures; efficient energy conversion systems (including advanced internal combustion engines, gas turbines, Stirling engines, and fuel cells) ; hybrid electric propulsion systems; energy-storage devices (including high
From page 18...
... Examine the PNGV technology selection process including how the PNGV is making choices and the role of government in the PNGV program after the technology selection process is completed. · Consider and comment on how the PNGV program should interface, if appropriate, with other federal research programs.
From page 19...
... The committee's objective continues to be to review the R&D program as presently configured and to assess the PNGV's progress toward, and potential for, achieving its goals. However, because regulatory and market changes occur continually, the PNGV should keep abreast of relevant changes and reassess its objectives.

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