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Chapter 8: Communication in the Life Sciences
Pages 405-406

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From page 405...
... Because Mendel's concepts ran counter to those held by the knowledgeable biologists who were aware of his papers, and because the information channels were inadequate to direct Mendel's work to the attention of other scientists, it lay relatively unknown for almost four decades until its resurrection by Correns, DeVries, and Tschermak, an event that marked the beginning of the full-fledged study of genetics. The invaluable technique of absorption chromatography, by which rather similar compounds can be separated and purified, is another example of a scientific advance that lay dormant for years, only to be rediscovered later.
From page 406...
... Alignment within this community is passing through a period of transition that will probably lead to a rearrangement and amalgamation of scientific disciplines and the structure of their organizational concomitants, leading to new information requirements better suited to the objectives of consolidated groupings as they evolve. For example, one can now sense the beginnings of a spontaneous movement of the presently polarized factions of molecular biologists and "wholeanimal" biologists toward cooperation and integration of their disciplines.

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