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Currently Skimming:

Pages 132-136

The Chapter Skim interface presents what we've algorithmically identified as the most significant single chunk of text within every page in the chapter.
Select key terms on the right to highlight them within pages of the chapter.

From page 132...
... Common areas of inquiry include reasons residents choose one airport over another, the extent to which residents of one area are using an airport in another area, the trip characteristics (airline, final destination, airfare, etc.) , why the other airport is preferred, what might make the local airport more attractive to prospective passengers, what messages about the airport would resonate with these passengers, and what information sources passengers are using to make airport choices.
From page 133...
... with a random four-digit suffix. The elegant aspect of an RDD sample is that it represents a true random sample of every telephone-owning household in an area.
From page 134...
... • The day of any major sporting event. 8.3.5 Sample Size Generally, sample sizes for surveys of area residents are determined using the formula for proportional data, as most of the results that are obtained in such surveys are expressed as percentages.
From page 135...
... Selection of sample sizes and the associated errors and confidence intervals are discussed in detail in Section 3.4, and further examples for determining the required sample size are provided in Appendix B 8.4 Questionnaire Wording and Length Experience suggests that surveys of the general public will start to experience unacceptable rates of refusals and terminations (people who quit in the middle of the interview)
From page 136...
... on the fly, they will come up with many different wordings, which will cause inconsistencies in the way questions are interpreted and possibly the responses obtained. This occurrence can compromise the utility of the results.

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