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Suggested Citation:"Appendix F - On-Line Survey." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2013. Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk Assessment: State of the Practice. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22544.
Page 110

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110 HazMat Risk Assessment - State of the Practice Our project team is researching the state of the practice for hazardous materials transportation risk assessment for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (HMCRP) and has directly interviewed many organizations. This survey is being conducted to allow other users, practitioners, and researchers of hazardous materials transportation risk assessments to provide input. Your responses will be used to help determine the current state of the practice and help identify gaps and needs regarding risk assessments. A complete description of the project from the TRB website is available at * Required 1. What is your organization type: public, shipper, carrier, consultant, academic, association (industry, shipper, carrier)? * 2. What does risk assessment mean to you? Do you include safety, security, or both when you think of risk assessment? * 3. Which best characterizes your organization’s hazmat transportation risk assessment activities? More than one may apply. * (a) Conduct Research on Data or Methodologies (b) Conduct Assessments (c) Use Assessment Results 4. If (a) in question 3 applies to your organization, briefly describe the research. 5. If (b) or (c) in Question 3 applies to your organization, briefly describe your risk assessment activities, including the users, the decision-making processes that consider risk assessments, and how the users distinguish between different alternatives. 6. Describe any constraints, analytic assumptions, or biases in your research or risk assessments. * 7. What are the key data elements that are input or built into your models (consider frequency, probability, threat, vulnerability, and consequence, as appropriate, in your response)? Where do you acquire the data? Are these data sufficient (i.e., relevant, accurate, complete, timely) for your specific purposes? * 8. What are the main barriers you see for using or performing risk assessments? * 9. Do you communicate the results of your risk assessments internally or externally? How? To whom? * 10. What improvements in risk assessment methodologies, available information, or data collection would be most helpful to your organization? * 11. Please provide your name and company/organization. This information will remain confidential. * 12. Please provide a phone number or e-mail address so that we can reach you if we have any follow-up questions. A p p e n d i x F On-Line Survey

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TRB’s Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (HMCRP) Report 12: Hazardous Materials Transportation Risk Assessment: State of the Practice documents the current practice for hazardous materials transportation risk assessment by government agencies and the private sector.

A PowerPoint presentation that describes the entire project is available.


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